UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology Apps

iRecord Grasshoppers 1.0.1
The sound of Grasshoppers and Crickets (Orthoptera) singingepitomises warm summer days. However, Orthoptera and relatedinsects are not well recorded in the UK and so scientists havelittle information about their distribution and abundance. Thisinformation is vital for us to discern changes in population ordistribution due to changes in the environment such as land use andclimate change. This guide will make it easy for you to identifyand record the grasshoppers and crickets you find. The app featureslots of information about each species, high quality imagegalleries and also sound files of each vocal species so that youcan identify them by call. The app also features associated insectssuch as the earwigs, stick insects and cockroaches.
Asian Hornet Watch 2.1.3
App designed to record and help the early detection of Asian Hornetin the UK .
Rare Arable Flowers 1.0.1
Rare arable flower records are vital in order to accuratelydetermine their distribution and numbers, and to help adviseconservation for the species that need it. Any records you submitusing the Rare Arable Flowers app will be reviewed and verified byan expert before being added to our database. Thank you for takingpart!
Ozone Injury 1.0.5
With the Ozone Injury app you can - learn to recognise symptomsofozone injury, - see examples of injury on common plants, -submitrecords of ozone injury to the database at the Centre forEcology& Hydrology, - contribute to pollution monitoringandscientific research. To send records you need to registerthroughthe app and confirm your email address. The records youenter areattributed to you and may be used in, anonymised form, tosupportscientific research or for display on our website. Eachrecord cancontain details of - location, - date, - recorder, - theaffectedspecies, - details of the injury, - recent weatherconditions, -recent pollution levels, - a photograph The locationis acquiredautomatically from GPS. Records may be marked assensitive if youdo not wish the exact location to be made publiclyavailable.
NPMS 1.4.1
The National Plant Monitoring Scheme (NPMS) is a new habitat-basedplant monitoring scheme designed by BSBI, CEH, Plantlife and JNCC.The aim is to collect data to provide an annual indication ofchanges in plant abundance and diversity.
European Ladybirds 1.1.1
Recording of ladybirds across Europe.
ButterflyCount 1.21.0
This app enables you to contribute to butterfly conservation.
Bloomin' Algae 3.1.0
Recording dangerous blue-green algae
iRecord App 6.0.5
Record and submit species sightings.
iRecord Butterflies 2.5.2
Help Butterfly Conservation monitor the UK's butterfly populations
LERC Wales 6.0.6
Submit wildlife sightings, add to our species knowledge of Wales
iMammalia 1.5.2
The iMammalia App is designed to encourage recording of mammals inthe wild.
FIT Count 1.4.1
10-minute survey to collect new data on numbers of flower-visitinginsects
Dynamic Dunescapes 1.1.1
By identifying and recording plant species, you can helpscientistsand conservationists protect and restore biodiverse sanddunehabitats in England and Wales, using this app. With abeautifulrange of habitats, coastal sand dunes are home to someamazingwildlife – including butterflies, lizards, toads andorchids. As acitizen scientist, you’ll help researchers gathervital sand dunehabitat and species data to help strengthen theunderstanding ofwhat’s going on in coastal sand dune environments,and to helpimprove the conservation work that is being done. Frommonitoringspecies to taking part in transect or quadrat surveys,explore therange of citizen science activities in the app which youcan getinvolved in, and share your findings in the app when younext visityour chosen sand dune site. Dynamic Dunescapes is apartnershipproject supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fundand the EULIFE Programme. Project partners are Natural England,Plantlife,Natural Resources Wales, National Trust and the WildlifeTrusts.
E-Surveyor 1.0.3
Helping farmers to assess the quality of their agri-environmenthabitats
Improving Cocoa production